

Here at WPR we take health and safety extremely important. Either on a jobsite or doing a home repair in a tenants house we take all safety measures and follow all appropriate and up to the date information from Public Health Canada. Please read below to see how we are making a difference in preventing the spread.


One way we are preventing the spread is by following Public Health Canada guidelines to wear a mask. It's that simple for us.


If needed, we have other PPE that we can use to help limit the spread if such an emergency arises that we needed to make repairs and a standard mask isn't enough. Some of our other gear is full 3M jumpsuits and gloves.

Covid-19 Directly

We cannot break quarantine rules. If a problem arises while you are self isolating due to Covid-19 we cannot enter your residents until your 14 day isolation period is over. Please do contact though so we can arrange repairs as soon as possible.


We take appropriate precautions depending on the work being completed. Everything from masks, steel toed boots, protective eye coverings and more is used to ensure safety while renovations are underway.